Celebrate Life Recovery Gathering

Let’s Gather as One on Sunday Nights

Our Recovery family gathers on Sunday evening for a time of worship that is unlike any other church service. We are led by the amazing worship band
 “The Cracked Pots” making this experience a “meeting with music”. Our meetings are intentionally casual and friendly, ALL are always welcome.
Whether on Zoom or in the sanctuary, we are there to support individuals and families who are on the road to Recovery.

This “meeting with music” is a 60-minute opportunity to connect with others in Recovery, share in the Traditions and Steps of the 12-Step programs, and hear the message of Jesus’ radical, relentless, unconditional love and acceptance for everyone. The Recovery Team is led by Peter Sheridan who invites you to grab a coffee and join us every Sunday night at 6:00 p.m.
We are proud to open our site to everyone, from all walks of life, all orientations and all faiths … everyone is welcome to this non-denominational but spiritual service. The last Sunday night of the month is always “Birthday Night” where we celebrate the miracles of lives transformed through Recovery.

For the month of March we focus on Step 3

Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood him.

Spiritual Principle – Faith

A powerful message of recovery from
Thomas Beach

The 2024 Men's Retreat

Men's Retreat 2024

Stay Tuned for 2025 Details!
The Men’s Retreat is an opportunity to join men of all ages in a retreat weekend focused on Recovery. The weekend itinerary typically includes – group introductions on Friday night, meetings and outdoor activities on Saturday. The highlight of the weekend is a steak dinner on Saturday evening followed by a meeting around the fire pit. On Sunday, we have a morning service and wrap up at noon. For more information, contact Peter

Stampede Breakfast

Join us on the second Sunday of Stampede as we serve a pancake and sausage breakfast to over 700 people on Calgary’s Stephen Avenue Mall.
For more information, contact Peter

Aaron’s Journey

Central provides volunteers to a fund-raising golf tournament during the late summer. This fund-raiser helps to provide the funding to fill over 400 backpacks of essentials such as toiletries, toques and socks for people living on Calgary’s streets. Then in December, we walk the streets of our downtown, distributing the backpacks.
For more information, contact Peter

Meditation Moments

Why Do We Pray?

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