Congregational Care

Cristl Porter - Congregational Care Coordinator

Cristl grew up in Rural Northern Ontario with 3 siblings. Her journey with Central started in 1998 with the Recovery service.
Cristl’s hobbies include: sports, good movies, time with friends and enjoying the great outdoors.

Caring for others at Central looks like this:
C = Connection, Conversation, Community
A = Authentic, Available, Always                  
R = Receptive, Renewing, Resilient              
E = Embracing, Energetic, Ever present      

Sharing the love of God through Hospitality is a core value at Central United Church.
We are continually seeking ways to offer welcome, care and community to those in need of friendship and support.

How Do You Pray?

How to Pray

Confidential Prayer Circle

When you or anyone you know is in need of prayer, our Team offers a confidential circle of prayer for healing, strength and renewal.

Celebrating Together

We share significant moments in your life such as birthdays, anniversaries or the death of a loved one through phone calls, cards, texts and emails. In other words, we keep in touch!

Flower Ministry

Every Sunday the bouquets which decorate our Communion table are delivered to members of our congregation or our extended community. At Easter and Christmas, those who are unable to attend worship services regularly are recipients of poinsettias or lilies that decorate our Sanctuary for those special days.

Did you know you can donate flowers in memory or honour of someone or for any special occasion you may wish to celebrate! Also, receipts for your flower donation can be submitted as a “Gift in Kind” that qualifies for an income tax receipt. Please chat with our Flower Ministry Coordinator  who can be reached by contacting the Church Office at 403-269-3701.

Greeters and Ushers

There is nothing more encouraging than a friendly smile and a warm greeting when someone enters a new space for the first time. At Central we have an amazing team of greeters and ushers who are available during both of our Sunday gatherings, who share the love of God through a genuine and heartfelt welcome. They are also a great resource to help assist anyone in locating resources or navigating our historic building.

Visitation Ministry

Central has an active volunteer visitation team that travels through the different quadrants of the city visiting homes, hospitals, lodges and other care facilities. One of their desires as caregivers in to bring the warmth of community and the love of God to those who are not able to join us in worship and fellowship.

Life Passages

Our Team offers guidance and direction during weddings, baptisms and funerals by providing hosts who will ensure that your sacred life passage will be conducted at the church with reverence and love.

Prayer Ministry

Thanks to all of Central’s prayer supporters for the prayers with and for each other every week after the morning and evening services. The prayer Ministry also serves at Central through the confidential prayer line (403-269-3701 ext 231), prayer concerns in the bulletin, the prayer that occurs at small groups and social times together as well as concerns that are communicated during the week. In one form or another, we are all part of the prayer team at Central.

In “Grace for the Moment”, Max Lucado reminds us that our voice matters to our Higher Power / God and that every one of our prayers are heard. We don’t need to be concerned about eloquence as the power of prayer is in the One who hears it.
“God is able to accomplish infinitely more that we would ever dare to ask or hope” (Ephesians 3:30)

We find it reassuring to know that the outcome doesn’t depend on our comfort level or eloquence of our prayers. Our Higher Power / God just asks us to pray.


P - praise, purpose, peace of mind
R - repent, rise, restore
A - attitude, ardent, action, answer
Y - yearning, Yahoo, yielding
E - energy, entertain, encouragement
R - release, rejoice
S - salvation

Do You Have A Prayer Request?

Submit Your Request To Us

Central’s Confidential Prayer Line

403.269.3701 ext 239