Kids In Action



Welcome to KID’S IN ACTION at Central! We are on a journey of discovery and our Children’s Ministry at Central is the first stop along the way. There are three words that guide our ministry with our children:

Love, Learning and Laughter!

What do you think our kids would say about Sunday morning at Central?

We start our morning together in worship with our parents and we get to listen to a neat story told to us by Miss Mary, our Children’s Ministry Coordinator. She makes everything so much fun while we are learning about God and Jesus.

Miss Mary's Story Box

Then we trek out to the gym for a welcoming song and introductions. This is where we get to make lots of noise—singing, clapping, dancing and wiggling! Next, we head off to our Kid’s In Action room where we read from the Children’s Bible, telling us all about the daring adventures of Jesus and his followers. That’s when we get to ask lots of questions, too! Next, we are off to our craft and art tables. Where we create and discuss the marvels of this wonderful world and this fabulous life!

Miss Mary always makes sure we have a snack to eat because learning about God makes us hungry. Then, before we know it, it is time to meet our parents and go home. We can hardly wait until we see everyone again next week in church.

Mary Landsdell, Children's Ministry Coordinator

As our Children’s Ministry Coordinator at Central, I want to always provide opportunities for our children to talk about their faith and to develop the language of love that Jesus used in his ministry. I am also committed to the safety and wellbeing of your children as we nurture and grow their faith at Kid’s In Action