Spirited Traditional Gathering
Join Us at 10:30AM on Sunday !

Every Sunday morning at 10:30 am we enter a time of worship in our Spirited Traditional Gathering. We sing, we clap, we pray, we read scripture and we study the Word of God. We are not afraid to risk trying something new that surprises and challenges us. Jesus, after all, was never afraid to step into the unknown and experience something new. We aren’t either! This 60-70 minute gathering is full of traditional hymns, contemporary choruses and rousing music of all kinds. Adults, young people, families and seniors all join together in this gathering and share a community worship experience. Children remain in the service until “A Time of Child Honouring,” followed by a creative, Bible-centered Sunday School program and a time for young people through our Youth in Action program.
Following the Spirited Traditional Gathering, there is always a time of conversation and connection as we make our way to the Hospitality Lounge. The coffee is hot and the conversations engaging! You also have the opportunity for private or intercessory prayer in our Chapel immediately following the worship gathering.