EXIT Youth Outreach

EXIT is a downtown storefront, outreach and mobile van service that assists young people (typically ages 12-24) who have run away; or who are at risk of self-harm; or who are involved with sexual exploitation. The young people may also be in conflict with community, family, or the legal system. EXIT serves any young person who is in need of, or wants, support and assistance while on the street.

EXIT is committed to supporting self-sufficiency by coordinating resources to assist and support young people who live on Calgary’s streets. Through counseling and service referral, EXIT promotes the health of young people while they live on the streets and provides assistance when they choose to leave the streets.

Inn From The Cold

The Inn began out of a community concern for the growing number of people facing homelessness during the bitterly cold winter of 1996/97. Volunteers from several local churches met to discuss how they could help.

On May 2, 1997, St. Stephen’s Anglican Church opened its doors to provide shelter and hope to Calgary’s homeless families and others in need. Since then, a number of inter-denominational churches, synagogues, mosques, community associations and organizations have come together to provide emergency shelter and resources for Calgary’s homeless. These Community Inns continue to operate on a rotating basis, 365 days a year, and are located in communities across Calgary.

CUPS (Calgary Urban Project Society)

Through integrated health care, education and housing services, CUPS empowers people to overcome the challenges of poverty and reach their full potential. In this pursuit, we draw upon our spiritual roots honoring the dignity of every human being.

Muslim Prayers

Muslims who work in downtown Calgary currently make use of two different spaces for Friday prayers. One is in Central, where at least 200 Muslims gather on Friday afternoons for their sermon and prayers. Central has welcomed them for more than 20 years.

Calgary Drop-In Centre

For more than 50 years, the Calgary Drop-In Centre (the DI) has delivered services and supports to people at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
Open 365 days a year, twenty-four hours a day, the DI’s emergency shelter can sleep nearly 1,000 people nightly and serves approximately 3,000 meals daily.
Each year, more than 10,000 Calgarians experiencing homelessness, marginalization and extreme poverty count on the DI for access to emergency shelter, health services, community resources, and housing supports. The DI relies heavily on the kindness of Calgarians to fund its 50+ programs and services.
Central makes sandwiches for the DI once a month.

Recovery Calgary

Recovery Calgary provides Day Treatment (Outpatient), One on One Recovery Coaching, Mentoring, Group Sessions, Clinical Therapy and delivery of a number of programs aimed at developing healthy lifestyles free of addictions and compulsions.